Yeezys are one of the hardest sneakers to buy for retail and is one of very few exclusive online retailers. The after market is the only way you’ll be able to get a pair and I recommend buying from me… I am selling the pairs on IG and I am thinking about an other way to do the things.
The adidas Yeezy Boost line was created by Kanye West for adidas. The most recent model is called the Yeezy Boost 350 v2, a low-top model most famous for the colored stripe and “SPLY-350” on the upper. The latest black/red colorway releases on February 11th, 2017, followed by the “Zebra” colorway on February 25th, 2017. The “Triple White” colorway is expected to release in Spring 2017.
For this shooting I am wearing the Yeezy Boost 350 v2 White/Black and also called “White Stripe”.
Stay tuned…
Pics by : Instagram